Friday, February 12, 2010

A Penny for My Thoughts

Two hundred and one years ago today Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. 

I only remember this because over the past year I have been avidly following  Maira Kalman's 'And the Pursuit of Happiness' column on the New York Times website.  She reminds us in every one of her posts what a great country we live in and what incredible folks our founding fathers were. While she fell in love with Abe Lincoln I fell in love with her.

illus. Maira Kalman

Many of us remember schoolbook descriptions of George Washington's wooden teeth but look at the way she's detailed those clackers!

illus. maira kalman

Her tales of visits to the halls of Congress and the Supreme Court are filled with amusing details such as this tub:
 illus. maira kalman

But there is a serious message in all her work- perhaps the most serious post being the Memorial Day posting Maira did after her visit to Ft. Campbell KY.

Celebrate this President's Day by reading the entire series about our American democracy.

I am so inspired by her artistry that I am going to fill in this coloring page of the US penny - here is the "before" version so you can play too:


ellen hanson designs said...

penny link:

Beth said...

I've loved her columns too - thanks for reminding us of them and for the wooden teeth - mine are starting to look like that.

Ellen said...

perhaps it is time to order a new set?