Friday, August 1, 2008

Press Press Press

This Thursday's Home section in the New York Times featured the HC&G Idea House that we've been slaving away on the past several weeks. On the front of the Home section the teaser shot for the article is a shot of resident genius Kristy Knight's beautifully executed salvaged lumber table. When you turn to the full page spread on the house there are other great shots of the kitchen/casual dining area designed by Ellen Hanson Designs. The online text and photos actually lacks some of the information available on the hard copy so we'll scan and post the original to our press page very soon.

Newsday, a long island daily paper, also had a pretty lengthy write up on the Idea House, complete with quotes from Ellen. I'm not entirely sure those exact phrases came from her mouth but the basic ideas are presented, so...

We are planning to update our online portfolio but in the meantime, please enjoy Kristy Knight's photos from the installation:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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